Solar Pumps
Take control of your water with German engineered solar pumps built to last. From small scale, DiY, Plug and Play pumps to large scale, hybrid systems.
Lorentz PSK series can deliver up to a whopping 241m3/h, ideal for integration into an existing irrigation system or setting up a new one.
Lorentz PS2 series is a fantastic, technologically advanced option for all small to medium sized system, ideal for stock water and garden irrigation.
Lorentz S series, a handy DiY solution for small applications, an easily portable, simple to install solution.
S Series
Easy to install, portable solar water pump
Pump from any water source, no priming.
Fixed / permanent installation, light weight and plugs to make it portable.
Complete system all in one transportable box
Perfect for small scale applications on any size operation
Small pump, high performance
Drinking water for Livestock
Small irrigation for lawns, crops or gardens with zero energy costs.

Take control of your water with German engineered solar pumps built to last.

PS2 Solar Pump
The Lorentz PS2 Solar Pump is an integrated solar water pumping system that is perfect for small to medium sized applications and may be suitable for larger scale applications.
PS2 provides a very efficient total solution to meet your solar water pumping needs with the following benefits:
Reduced operational expenses with zero energy costs.
Improved water security.
Improved sustainability reducing reliance on diesel or electricity for power
PS2 is an advanced solar water pumping system. The system is designed specifically to use the power of the sun to move water, so replacing the need for grid power or diesel. As solar power is not consistent through the day, the PS2 constantly changes the pump parameters to optimise the amount of water available.